The Funnypigs game rules (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5)


  1. FAQ & configuration requirements
  2. Funnypigs? What's that all about?
  3. How to become the proud owner of a pig - registration
  4. Where do I start?


  1. Strikes
  2. Weather conditions and weather forecast
  3. The barn
  4. Bonuses, what is their use?

    r 13. Bonuses, what is their use? - Bonuses, what is their use?

    If you're a Level 1 farmer and have less than 200 Kekos, then, every 4 days you'll receive a free bonus (drawn at random).

    These bonuses will help you with the game. You can be given:

    A drum of insecticide
    This allows you to save 6 Kekos if your field is infested by weevils or corn borers. The insecticide drum, which is highly polluting, can be recycled. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets. But note that you need to have at least 6 Kekos in your account to be able to use this bonus.
    A bag of seeds
    This allows you to save 10 Kekos. Level 2, 3, 4 and 5 farmers cannot use it for their fields. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets.
    A bag of standard food
    This allows you to save 3 Kekos. Bags of standard food are produced by Funnypigs' cooperative with various low-energy cereals. You can buy them on both the official and the farmers' markets. (Please also read How to care for your pig, Level 1 and 2.)
    A bag of fertilizer
    To be used on the first day of sowing only. It allows you to save 12 Kekos. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets. Level 3, 4 and 5 players MUST have this bonus stored in their barn if they want to spread fertilizer on their fields.
    A vet visit
    You can use this bonus whenever your pig is ill: it can treat every disease. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets. Level 3, 4 and 5 players MUST have this bonus stored in their barn if they want to save their sow.
    A health and safety inspection
    If you think a farmer mistreats his/her pig or sow and/or that his/her farm is poorly maintained, you can request a health and safety inspection. If the farmer fails the inspection, he/she will be fined. The amount is proportional to the number of days during which his/her pig or sow wasn't fed or cleaned (for example: 15 Kekos x 2 days).
    Inspectors will fine farmers whose pig/sow has been neither fed nor cleaned for at least 24 hours provided they didn't already get inspected on that day: farmers can't be inspected more than once a day. If the farmer fails the inspection you requested, you'll get a 6-Keko reward. Health and safety inspections can be neither sold nor bought on the market, but can be found in the Alley.
    A large bar of soap This allows you to save 2 Kekos if you are at Level 1 or 2. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets. Level 3, 4 and 5 farmers MUST have this bonus stored in their barn in order to clean their sow.

    The following bonuses are not given for free:

    A bale of straw For your pig's well-being!
    If you add a little bit of straw, your pig will be much more comfortable and will put on an extra 500g a day - provided you fill its troughs!! But straw has a short shelf life and will grow thinner every day. After 4 days, there'll be none left. So you need to renew it regularly. Straw is a by-product of harvested crop. It can be bought and sold on the market (maximum price per bale: 11 Kekos).
    24 hours after it was laid out, your pig's straw can be replaced by duckboards. But it will be lost during the replacement process.
    You can't have straw and duckboards at the same time. When you get through to the next level, your straw is disposed of. Each time you harvest your wheat field, you get 3 straw bales: regardless of what the weather conditions were or if your field was infested by weevils.
    Duckboards Duckboards are placed underneath your pig,
    sow or litters and have an illimited shelf life (only
    1 duckboard per pig or litter). It guarantees a better drainage of your pig's slurry to the pit, which means you'll get more of it. If you install duckboards, you'll get twice as much slurry a day, so that instead of the usual 1 litre a day, you'll get 2 litres a day. But note that at Level 1, the slurry pit capacity is limited to
    5 litres. If you don't empty your pit when you have 4 litres, out of the extra 2 litres you'll get the following day, one litre will be lost.
    Duckboards are manufactured by Funnypigs and cost 50 Kekos each. But you can also buy them on the farmers' market.
    You can have your duckboards removed by clicking on the link below your pig or by ticking the box below your litters and then clicking on "Action". Duckboards removal costs 100 Kekos for Level 1 and 2 players and 200 Kekos for Level 3, 4 and 5 players. You can't have straw and duckboards at the same time. When you get to
    Level 2 or sell a litter, your duckboards are put back in your barn. It's up to you then to reinstall them if you want to.

    All the aforementioned bonuses can be sold on the market, except for the health and safety inspection bonus.

    Official bonuses:
    These are sold by Funnypigs when the market (official market) opens at approximately 4am GMT.

    A vitamin
    If you feel that your pig doesn't put on enough weight, it might be because it's not making the most of the food you're providing it. Why not give it a vitamin with its meal? Enriched with seal fat, it will help your pig fatten up nicely and gain the maximum possible weight. Be careful though, you have to make sure it eats the vitamin capsule before the trough is emptied, or the vitamins won't work.
    Vitamins, made out of slurry extract, are produced by a pharmaceutical company called KOVITA. Their production levels depend on the amount of slurry SLURKO, the slurry processing plant, delivers them.
    In short, the more farmers sell their slurry, the more vitamin pills are produced. Sometimes, unfortunately, FSS staff goes on strike. SLURKO is no longer supplied and therefore cannot supply KOVITA, the vitamin manufacturer. The production line stops and farmers face shortages!
    Sandbags To stop Funnypigs' subterranean rivers flooding your fields and ruining your crop, the Funnypigs Town Hall sell sandbags. They provide a good flood protection, but only ONCE. When you buy sandbags, they're directly stored in your barn. You have to go to the "Field" page to use them to protect your field.
    You'll see a sandbags icon appear below your field. After each flood, they're ruined. So it's a good idea to have some in advance in your barn, just in case...
    Rat poison Rats abound in our charming land. To make sure these despicable rodents don't devour your bags of seeds, of food and your vitamins, get some rat poison.
    Once you've bought some poison, click on "Protect your barn" in the top right-hand corner of your barn page: poison pellets will automatically be placed at your barn door - below "Barn protection". Rat poison prevents rats from attacking. Although it's highly polluting, it can be recycled. But beware of its limited shelf life. After 10 days, it only protects half of the products in your barn - that's when it turns orangey-yellow:
    After 20 days, it no longer protects your barn at all - that's when it turns greyish:
    That means you must replace the rat poison ASAP.
    There's a little French saying that goes "Don't give jam to the pigs". That means that we shouldn't give something to someone who isn't capable of appreciating it, basically implying that jam is too good for the pigs!! Well, in Funnypigs we value our pigs and we think that they deserve the best. And pigs, sows, litters all love jam. It helps them gain an extra 250gr and can be given concurrently to vitamins and straw. But if you give your pig too much jam in one day, it will get sick.
    Remember never to give your pig (or sow) jam if it's ill or following an illness or a stress bomb attack: that would stress it out for 24 hours!
    In Level 3 and 4, litters won't eat jam if their water trough's not full. They also wait till it's night-time to eat it.
    Jam is fat-free. Its official price reaches 10 Kekos per pot and 80 Kekos per case. It's not cheap but that's because it's home-made. Our jam is actually made by a grandma in Funnypigs. We're much obliged to her.
    Cod liver oil This oil (pigs are crazy about it) is only available to litters in Level 3 and 4. It increases their body fat level without having them gain weight. It's taken with meals - as long as the feeding trough is filled - and increases their fat level by 0,5%. You can buy it on both the official and the farmers' markets.
    A box of vitamins It works the same way as a single-dose vitamin. But boxes of vitamins are only available to Level 3 and 4 farmers and dedicated to their litters.
    A box of syringes It works the same way as a vet visit. But boxes of syringes are only available to Level 3 and 4 farmers and dedicated to their litters.
    A box of soap It works the same way as a large bar of soap. But boxes of soap are only available to Level 3 and 4 farmers and dedicated to their litters.


  5. Events, taxes and grants
  6. The market
  7. The Keko, Funnypigs' currency
  8. My account details
  9. How to get to the next level
  10. How to bring back to life a dead pig/sow/litter
  11. The Alley, the dealer and the attacks (weevils, crows, corn borers, rats, health and safety inspections, wild boars)
  12. Taxes: all you need to know
  13. The Town Caretaker - going on holidays without letting your pig die
  14. Farmer ranking system and points
  15. Monitoring your farmer friends
  16. The Café and the Forum
  17. Funnypigs' internal e-mail service: Funny-Mail
  18. Manure
  19. The wolf
  20. The top 10 farmers & the top 10 profits
  21. The warehouse
  22. The wild boar
  23. Funnypigs' manufacturing workshops


  1. How to care for your pig
  2. Funnypigs V2
  3. The field at Level 1


  1. How to care for your pig
  2. Funnypigs V2
  3. Machinery (Level 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  4. The fields at Level 2
  5. The farmers' cooperative


  1. General remarks on Level 3
  2. Farmers' assignments, selling pigs from your farm & getting to Level 4
  3. Silos
  4. Fortified food: weight and fat gain. Producing your own fortified food
  5. Sows - different breeds and specific characteristics
  6. Breeding boar semen - different breeds and specific characteristics
  7. Inseminating a sow and interbreeding
  8. Litters of piglets
  9. Filling troughs, cleaning and caring for litters
  10. The different types of slurry pits
  11. The fields at Level 3 and 4
  12. Machinery (Level 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  13. Vitamin boxes and vet boxes
  14. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  15. The farmers' cooperative


  1. General remarks on Level 4
  2. Assembly instructions
  3. Machines and parts. Breakdowns
  4. Producing carcasses, lard and blood sausage
  5. Buying pigs at the Official Market
  6. Selling half-carcasses, lard and blood sausage
  7. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  8. The farmers' cooperative

  9. All the other Level 4 characteristics are identical to those at Level 3.


  1. General remarks on Level 5
  2. Boar breeders
  3. Growers
  4. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  5. The farmers' cooperative


  1. The Funnypigs Gazette
  2. Excluding a farmer & deleting an account
  3. Why are there advertisements on Funnypigs?
  4. Funnypigs' Charter (terms and conditions)
