The Funnypigs game rules (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5)


  1. FAQ & configuration requirements
  2. Funnypigs? What's that all about?
  3. How to become the proud owner of a pig - registration
  4. Where do I start?


  1. Strikes
  2. Weather conditions and weather forecast
  3. The barn
  4. Bonuses, what is their use?
  5. Events, taxes and grants
  6. The market
  7. The Keko, Funnypigs' currency
  8. My account details
  9. How to get to the next level
  10. How to bring back to life a dead pig/sow/litter
  11. The Alley, the dealer and the attacks (weevils, crows, corn borers, rats, health and safety inspections, wild boars)
  12. Taxes: all you need to know
  13. The Town Caretaker - going on holidays without letting your pig die
  14. Farmer ranking system and points
  15. Monitoring your farmer friends
  16. The Café and the Forum
  17. Funnypigs' internal e-mail service: Funny-Mail
  18. Manure
  19. The wolf
  20. The top 10 farmers & the top 10 profits
  21. The warehouse
  22. The wild boar
  23. Funnypigs' manufacturing workshops


  1. How to care for your pig
  2. Funnypigs V2
  3. The field at Level 1


  1. How to care for your pig
  2. Funnypigs V2
  3. Machinery (Level 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  4. The fields at Level 2
  5. The farmers' cooperative


  1. General remarks on Level 3
  2. Farmers' assignments, selling pigs from your farm & getting to Level 4
  3. Silos

    35. Silos. - Silos.

    There are 21 types of silos:

    The silos you buy at the market don't have labels. They're new and have never been used.

    Each silo has its specific storage capacity:
    - Those marked '200' can contain up to 200 bags of food.
    - Those marked '400' can contain up to 400 bags of food.
    - Those marked '800' can contain up to 800 bags of food.

    Their prices vary according to their size and to the price index, which depends on what farmers charge on their market.

    As long as these silos haven't been used to store a particular type of cereal (wheat, corn, sunflower or a mix), they can take in indifferently any of our 6 types of food. But the moment you store a certain type of cereal, the silo gets labelled and you can no longer use it for any other type of food. For instance, you need a silo to store your wheat. Later on you decide to grow some corn as well. Well, in order to store it, you need to get another silo, as you can't store anything else but wheat in a wheat silo.

    Such silos can only take in wheat:

    Such silos can only take in corn:

    Such silos can only take in sunflower:

    Such silos can only take in a wheat/corn mix:

    Such silos can only take in a wheat/sunflower mix:

    Such silos can only take in a corn/sunflower mix:

    Say you buy a silo. The next time you buy a bag of food or harvest your field, the cereals are automatically stored in that silo and it gets labelled with the type of food you bought or harvested.
    If you don't have a "label-free" silo or an appropriate silo, or if your silo is full, the cereals are stored in your granary.
    To remove bags of food you'd put on sale at the market, you need to have silos to store them in or they'll be put in your granary. You can either buy a new silo or empty an existing one. Once empty, a silo becomes "label-free" again.

    You can sell your silos and you can own up to 15 of them. But beware, they need some maintenance.
    When you fill your pig's feeding trough, the food is directly taken from your silos.
    If you have a silo, your pig/sow will be fed with the food you stored in it and not the one kept in your barn.

    You can increase the capacity of a silo:
    - From 200 to 400 bags: cost = 65 Kekos.
    - From 400 to 800 bags: cost = 95 Kekos.

    Using silos makes sense: the cereal stored in them is totally protected from rats!

    - Silo wear rate:
    They wear out over time. They last for about 50 days. On the 51st day, they explode and you lose the bags of food you had stored in them.
    But you can replace your old silo for a 250-Keko fee by clicking on " Replace". This link appears on the 40th day i.e. when the wear rate reaches 80%.
    The "silo maintenance fee" option takes 2 days off the wear rate.


  4. Fortified food: weight and fat gain. Producing your own fortified food
  5. Sows - different breeds and specific characteristics
  6. Breeding boar semen - different breeds and specific characteristics
  7. Inseminating a sow and interbreeding
  8. Litters of piglets
  9. Filling troughs, cleaning and caring for litters
  10. The different types of slurry pits
  11. The fields at Level 3 and 4
  12. Machinery (Level 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  13. Vitamin boxes and vet boxes
  14. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  15. The farmers' cooperative


  1. General remarks on Level 4
  2. Assembly instructions
  3. Machines and parts. Breakdowns
  4. Producing carcasses, lard and blood sausage
  5. Buying pigs at the Official Market
  6. Selling half-carcasses, lard and blood sausage
  7. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  8. The farmers' cooperative

  9. All the other Level 4 characteristics are identical to those at Level 3.


  1. General remarks on Level 5
  2. Boar breeders
  3. Growers
  4. Funnypigs Electricity Board (FEB), wind turbines and batteries
  5. The farmers' cooperative


  1. The Funnypigs Gazette
  2. Excluding a farmer & deleting an account
  3. Why are there advertisements on Funnypigs?
  4. Funnypigs' Charter (terms and conditions)
